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Attacks on Great Man Made River (GMMR) Libya (07.07.2018 09:03:42)


Two technicians were killed today and 2 guards were reported missing after unknown gunmen attacked a water plant near Tazerbu in south eastern Libya. Local sources said the attackers have seized cars and food supplies from the project site. 

GMMR decided to evacuate all personnel & their families from site.
Attacks of the GMMR al-Hasaouna branch increased substantially over the past ~18 months, over 40 wells put out of service. Attacks include: destruction of water wells, power lines & substations, and kidnapping of staff
A source at the Great Man Made River, GMMR: "an armed group stormed the site of GMMR at al-Hasaouna & kidnapped 4 foreign employees".
Al-Hasaouna wells provide water supplies for Tripoli & all towns to Misrata. 
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